z~6-9 JADES Galaxy Catalog from Endsley et al. (2024)
This catalog provides the inferred physical properties, coordinates, and ACS+NIRCam photometry of the 756 z~6-9 Lyman-break galaxies in the JADES year 1 data that were identified and analyzed in Endsley et al. (2024). The contents of the catalog are as follows. Please reach out to me for any additional information that may be helpful.
ID :SourceExtractor ID along with field
dropoutType : Specifies if object was selected as an F775W or F090W dropout
multiComponentFlag : Specifies if an object consisted of multiple components identified by SourceExtractor and manually combined in photometry. In these cases, RA/Dec is provided for brightest component in F444W.
RA : Right Ascension
Dec : Declination
zphot : Photometric redshift from TcSFH BEAGLE fit
Muv : Absolute UV magnitude at rest-frame 1500 Angstroms from TcSFH fit
logM : log(M*/Msol) stellar mass from TcSFH fit
OIIIHbEW : Rest-frame [OIII]+H-beta equivalent width from TcSFH fit
HaEW : Rest-frame H-alpha EW from TcSFH fit
Av : Rest-frame V-band (5500 A) dust attenuation in mags from TcSFH fit
BBrat : Balmer break amplitude (F_4200/F_3500) from TcSFH fit
logZ : log(Z/Zsol) metallicity from TcSFH fit
logXiIon : log(xi_ion*erg/Hz) from TcSFH fit
logAge : log(age/yr) light-weighted age from BEAGLE CSFH fit
logM_CSFH : log(M*/Msol) stellar mass from BEAGLE CSFH fit
logM_bursty : log(M*/Msol) stellar mass from Prospector bursty SFH prior fit
logM_continuity : log(M*/Msol) stellar mass from Prospector continuity SFH prior fit
band : Flux density in given band in nJy
band_err : 1-sigma uncertainty in flux density in nJy
For all inferred properties, the fiducial values are the 50th percentile values from the posterior probability distributions output by BEAGLE or Prospector. The _l16 and _u84 values are the 16th and 84th percentile values, respectively.​